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Archive for the ‘Sports’ Category

It is a euphemism to say that the Indian Men’s Hockey has reached its nadir. It has failed to qualify for Olympics. This is the first time in history that such a stigma is being attached to the Indian Men’s Hockey team.

Nobody is ready to take the blame for it. Nor is anyone coming out with any concrete actions.

After the euphoria of beating Australia in Cricket this comes as a absolute shocker for anybody who wants India to excel in sports. This is one sport where India has dominated for a long time. No doubt that the sheen has worn off over the last decade or so, but nevertheless we were never a write-off unlike our football team which brings up the rear end of the football train.

Mr. Untouchable K.P.S. Gill insists that he cannot produce results at a drop of the hat the way “Instant Coffee” does. He probably forgets that he has been holding the post long enough to leave that statement null and void. He has been dictating over the Indian Hockey Federation for a long period of time (14 years) and it is time somebody hauls him over coal for not having done anything and more so for making such a statement.

The sports lovers are to blame too.  Nobody goes to see hockey matches or goes gaga over Hockey. People flock to see a movie like “Chak De”, let them by all means, but when it comes to hockey the very same people do not bother to even watch it on TV, forget going to a stadium to see it.

Who should be responsible for this debacle? Definitely the management has a role in this. Have they provided the requisite resources for the team? Have they tried their best to get corporate sponsors? Have they spent enough on training the players or have they spent a majority in jaunts abroad, under the pretext of studying other countries’ hockey facilities?

Who will check this out and bring glory back to our boys?
